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Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality

5 Things You Need To Do Every Day

Jul 25, 2024

John Maxwell shares a story to explain his Rule of 5.

Suppose you go to a tree with an axe and swing at the tree 5 times. Then the next day you do it again and you keep hitting the tree with the axe 5 times each day, what will happen? The tree will fall. If it’s a big tree it could take 5 years, if it's a small tree it could take a year.  The size of the tree will determine how long it will take to fall. 

The RULE OF 5  


  • Is your goal in life?
  • Is your purpose?
  • Do you want to accomplish?
  • Do you want to knock down?

What’s your axe? What are your tools? If you do it 5 times a day you will be highly successful.

John Maxwell has written 73 books and made $22 million from doing so by using the RULE OF 5.

5 things John does every day that allowed him to write that many books.

Every day John:

  • Reads
  • Files
  • Thinks
  • Ask Questions
  • Writes

Repeat every day - you can do it in whatever order as long as you do it every day, 7 days a week, no matter what.   

The trick for me was to understand very clearly you don’t need to do it all day, or hours a day. The key is to do a little bit every day. It could be an hour a day as long as it is every day. 

John Maxwell is among the authors I admire. I assist my clients in developing their grand vision, goals, and game plan for success in building my business.

I build my business and assist my clients in creating their BIG Vision, Goals, and Game Plan to be successful. I realized years ago when I first started my business that without a clear vision, big goals, a game plan, and working it every day you will not reach the success you desire.  

My Question To You Is:

What is your big goal, and what 5 things are you going to do every day to make it a reality? 


Book a 30-minute strategy call with me. Here is a link to my calendar to find a date and time that works for you.