The Blog
Working With Organizations To Clarify Their Big Goals, Create Strategies, Systems, A Plan & The Confidence To Make Their Vision A Reality
As stated in many articles we spend 80% of our waking hours in some form of communication. That is a lot of time and leaves much room for misunderstandings, and assumptions. What people...
I did not realize how important LinkedIn is for my business until a couple of years ago when pitching to a client and the first thing he did before we met was take a look at my LinkedIn Profile. I...
This is one of my favorite articles. It embodies the simplicity of be successful yet most of us make it very difficult. Own and running a business is not easy but it definitely does not...
Character building experiences happen all the time. Recently I had a full week planned with dead lines, client calls and appointments outside the office. Well Tuesday of that same week my...
I love hanging out with my kids because they are always teaching me lessons and allowing me to see the results of my reactions. When my eldest daughter was 4 she was always pushing the limits...
Many people think they cannot make a difference. They might not have the money or the contacts to really create an impact that will really matter. Well I am here to tell you that every...